Shot at Dawn Project
The Problem : Active Duty Suicide / Guard Reserve Suicide / Veteran Suicide / 1st Responder Suicide
- 2018 marked the worst year in active duty suicide rates in history, and to make matters even more devastating special forces rates tripled in 2018.
- A estimated 285,090 American Heroes have taken their own life since 1979.
- 3/3 Armed forces recruiters who deal with pre-high school graduation recruits say parents have voiced concern of suicide problems within America's armed forces. This has created a major problem for the future recruitment into our armed forces.
- Numbers have not gotten better, and as a society we are not being informed of the number of accidental overdoses, in the veteran community or active duty. The Veteran Administration has run out of options, basic suicide prevention has been ineffective, the Department of Defense is spending tens of millions with no real answer in sight.
- More 1st Responders died by suicide in 2018 than in the line of duty.
- Our society has no real answers for the massive suicide problem in our veteran community, our 1st Responder community or even our civilian community. Homelessness and mental health issues are growing and that only adds to our suicide numbers.
The Solution : S.A.D.P. 8 Layer Suicide Evaluation Form / 9 month to 24 month rehab (Tribal Living 8 Layer Recovery Community)
- S.A.D.P. 8 Layer Hero Suicide Evaluation Form (Copyright © 2019 Conrad Jeffries) , to be implemented in Active Duty/Guard/Reserve/1st Responder Units. This form puts the power in the commanders hand at unit level, and will have a immediate impact on service members going through, non judicial punishment / medical discharge / drug and alcohol counseling / discharge process. This form would be mandatory and force a real look at a service members life. It fits nicely between counseling statements and non judicial punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Under existing authority this gives unit commanders a vital tool in flagging Heroes for suicide. Imagine if this form was in the hand of the Commander of the USS George H.W. Bush before three Heroes aboard committed suicide in less than seven days in 2019.
-9 month to 24 month Tribal Rehab Facility (Named by Title Sponsor), focusing on 8 Suicide Triggers Veterans face : TBI / PTSD / Removal from Tribe / Medicated-Diet-Exercise / Financial Collapse / Substance Abuse / Loss of Relationship, Sexual Assault / Legal Troubles
-This facility will provide the opportunity for the Hero to work on each layer and programming in this facility is armed to give the Hero real social growth and stability when it comes to their individual layers. Real mentor-ship and preparation for society, from financial counseling, substance abuse, diet, exercise, interview skills, resume preparation, college preparation, social skills, entrepreneurship, past traumas, team building, sports all with tribal approach, heroes will have a tribal responsibility such as gardener. S.A.D.P will prepare and stabilize the transition back to society by plugging Hero into their community correctly, by giving the Hero a full 360 transition, from housing, job placement, social activities placement, and mentor placement. This Hero will be plugged back into his or her community with no question marks.
- S.A.D.P will provide data for the Department of Defense in : Finance, Education, Drug & Alcohol use, Family Trauma, Social Background, Job Skills, Job Placement, Community Reintegration, Diet & Exercise, Relationship History (to include sexual trauma and divorce).
-Cause and effect of data will be able to proof, that the Department of Defense can remove Hero suicide layers such as, financial loss. S.A.D.P. data could show with quarterly individual financial counseling and with credit monitoring, Heroes would have a higher probability of not having that layer when they hit their bottom. If this one layer is removed at the time the Hero puts the gun to their head, do we have a better chance of this Hero not pulling the trigger.
-S.A.D.P considers the United States to be the free leaders of the world, and as such will run a 2- week instructional course available to our allies in N.A.T.O for all 29 nations, and 11 seats for civilian diplomats and medical personnel. A total of 40 members will go through this course quarterly, at a cost of $100,000.00 dollars per student. This will secure our spot as leaders in the solution for this massive social issue throughout the World. This cannot only fund the facility annually but will provide extra monies to be put back into research and development, and procurement of future sites along with exploration of new frontiers in mental health.
-Current veteran anti-suicide non profits will be tied into suicide prevention center to be given a opportunity to help facilitate recovery for suicidal Heroes. Combined with a representative from the Veterans Administration, they will actually be able to use their current sourcing abilities to support a facility that can help.
-S.A.D.P. will be the 1st full spectrum anti suicide facility of its kind, in a world that had over 800,000 suicides last year. As such S.A.D.P. will no doubt be the 1st offensive strike on suicide, the likes this great nation and the world has never scene. The integration of S.A.D.P. 8 Layer Suicide Evaluation form into the Department of Defense and throughout 1st Reponder units, along with the facility itself, will give the United States a win in this battle and turn the tide of the war on suicide.
-S.A.D.P. has the ability to not only heal Veterans and 1st Responders, its designed to fix the Heroes before they become a veteran's.
SSG. Conrad Jeffries (right) Founder of Shot at Dawn Project.